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uϣ᠖gԃ޹˾www.chinapartsdirect.coml(f)  2015-9-30


1. topsoil [tɔpsɔil] ͷe
2.earth surface [ə:] [sə:fis] ر
3. loess [ləuis] S
4. drift sand [drift] [sænd] ɰ
5. sand bed [sænd] [bed] ɰ
6. silt bed ɰ
7. clay ճ;
8. clayey sand ճ|(zh)ɰ;
9. kaoline [keiəlin] ߎX
10. pebble [pebl] е[; [ʯ
11. igneous(ɵ) gravel [iniəs] [rævəl] ɵ[r
12. surface interval [sə:fis] [intəvəl] ر
13. gravel [rævəl] [; [ʯ; ɰ[
14. limestone gravel [laim,stəun] [rævəl] ?gu)r[r
15. limestone gravel bed ?gu)r[ʯ
16. siliceous gravel [siliʃəs] [rævəl] |(zh)[r
17. basaltic gravel [bæsɔ:ltik] [rævəl] |(zh)[r
18. gravel bed [ʯ
19. breccia [bretʃə] ǵ[
20. sandy gravel [sændi] [rævəl] ɰ[ɰ|(zh)[r
21. calcigravel }[
22. blocky limestone calcigravel ?gu)rK}[
23. gypsum gravel [dʒipsəm] [rævəl] ʯ[
24. conglomerate sand [ɰ
25. sandy gravel bed ɰ[
26. gravel-bearing siltstone ɰr[
27. mud pebble [mʌd] [pebl] [
28. silty gravel [silti] [rævəl] ɰ[r
29. clayey gravel [
30. pebbled sandy chalk ɰ|(zh)׈[ʯ
31. limy gravel bearing claystone rҵ[
32. sand ginger ɰ
33. coarse sand ɰ
34. medium sand ɰ
35. friable sand ɢɰ
36. drifting sand ɳ
37. fine sand ɰ
38. silt ɰ
39. argillaceous silt |(zh)ɰ
40. clay sand ճ|(zh)ɰ
41. clayey silt ճ|(zh)ɰ
42. sandy clay ɰ|(zh)ճ
43. silty clay ɰ|(zh)ճ
44. plant accumulative formation ֲѷe
45. humus layer ֲ
46. land accretion
47. boulderstone ޵[r
48. chat ʯ[r
49. basaltic conglomerate |(zh)[ʯ
50. lava breccia ɽǵ[r
51. cobblestone ֵ[r
52. pebblestone е[r
53. conglomerate [r
54. oil cut conglomerate ͽ[r
55. microconglomerate [r
56. small congl С[r
57. gompholite [r
58. andesitic breccia ɽ|(zh)ǵ[r
59. andesitic glutenite ɽ|(zh)ɰ[r
60. feldspar breccia Lʯǵ[r
61. limy conglomerate |(zh)[r
62. lapillistone ɽ[r
63. lime-runbble rock |(zh)ǵ[r
64. siliceous breccia |(zh)ǵ[r
65. ferruginous conglomerate F|(zh)[r
66. silico-rudite |(zh)[r
67. tuffaceous conglomerate |(zh)[r
68. conglomeratic tuffaceous sandstone |(zh)ɰrɰ[
69. tuffaceous breccia |(zh)ǵ[r
70. tuffaceous glutenite |(zh)ɰ[r
71. tuffaceous debris glutenite |(zh)rмɰ[r
72. glutenite ɰ[r
73. basal conglomerate ׵[r
74. dolomitic glutenite |(zh)ɰ[r
75. igneous ɵģgravel bearing gluteniteɰ[r(Ɏr[)
76. basalt bearing glutenite rɰ[r
77. sandy small conglomerate ɰ|(zh)С[r
78. sandy inequigranular small-conglomerate ɰ|(zh)С[r
79. argillaceous small-conglomerate |(zh)С[r
80. clayey heterogranular small-conglomerate|(zh)С[r
81. psephitic sandstone [ɰr
82. gritsandstone ɰr
83. medium sandstone ɰr
84. sandstone ɰr
85. medium-grained sandstone ɰr
86. fine-medium sandstone ɰr
87. fine sandstone ɰr
88. silty fine sandstone ۼɰr
89. mud pebble sandstone [ɰr
90. silt-fine sandstone -ɰr
91. siltstone ɰr
92. blastoaleuritic ׃ɰr
93. argilliferous siltstone ɰr
94. chalky siltstone ׈|(zh)ɰr
95. fine siltstone ɰr
96. inequigranular sandstone ɰr
97. fine-medium-coarse sandstone ɰr
98. finegranular gritstone ɰr
99. clastizoic sandstone ɰr
100. gravel-bearing inequigranular sandstone [ɰr
101. gravel-bearing calcareous gritstone }[ɰr
102. pebbled sandstone [ɰr
103. gravel-bearing fine-coarse sandstone-ɰr[
104. argillaceous inequigranular sandstone|(zh)ɰr
105. gravel-bearing argillaceous sandstone [|(zh)ɰr
106. argilliferous sandstone ɰr
107. tuffaceous pebbled sandstone|(zh)[ɰr
108. calciferous sandstone }ɰr
109. chalky argillaceous sandstone ׈|(zh)ɰr
110. blaize Ӳɰr
111. glauconite sandstone Gʯɰr
112. quartz sandstone ʯӢɰr
113. spiral-shell bearing sandstone ɰr
114. spiral-shell and gravel bearing sandstoneݺ[ɰr
115. oolite bearing sandstone bɰr
116. oolite bearing calcareous sandstone b}|(zh)ɰr
117. wacke |(zh)ɰr
118.kaoline sandstoneߎX|(zh)ɰr
119. kaoline siltstone ߎX|(zh)ɰr
120. kaoline fine sandstone ߎX|(zh)ɰr
121. gypsum sandstone ʯ|(zh)ɰr
122. bertholite |(zh)ɰr
123. dolomitic sandstone |(zh)ɰr
124. gravel-bearing dolomitic sandstone |(zh)[ɰr
125. dolomitic fine sandstone |(zh)ɰr
126. dolomitic siltstone |(zh)ɰr
127. chalky sandstone ׈|(zh)ɰr
128. igneous gravel bearing sandstone Ɏr[ɰr
129. limy siltstone |(zh)ɰr
130. calciferous siltstone }ɰr
131. calciferous silty fine sandstone}ۼɰr
132. calciferous pebbled sandstone }[ɰr
133. calciferous argillaceous sandstone}|(zh)ɰr
134. limy sandstone |(zh)ɰr
135. inequigranular calciferous gritstone }ɰr
136. ostracode bearing calcareous sandstonex֮}|(zh)ɰr
137. calcareous sandstone}|(zh)ɰr
138. bioclast calcareous sandstone м}|(zh)ɰr
139. spiral-shell bearing limy sandstoneݻ|(zh)ɰr
140. bituminous sandstoner|(zh)ɰr
141. tuffaceous sandstone |(zh)ɰr
142. gravel-bearing tuffaceous sandstone|(zh)ɰr[
143. ferrite sandstoneF|(zh)ɰr
144. carbonaceous pyritic sandstone̼|(zh)SF|(zh)ɰr
145. argillaceous sandstone|(zh)ɰr
146. argillaceous siltstone |(zh)ɰr
147. phosphoric sandstone ɰr
148. breccia bearing sandstoneǵ[ɰr
149. carbonaceous siltstone ̼|(zh)ɰr
150. carbonic sandstone ̼|(zh)ɰr
151. ferruginous siltstone F|(zh)ɰr
152. ostracode sandstone xɰr
153. wormhole sandstone xɰr
154. shale 퓎r
155. oil shale 퓎r
156. inferior shale|(zh)퓎r
157. ampelite r|(zh)퓎r
158. inferior oil shale |(zh)퓎r
159. calcareous oil shale }|(zh)퓎r
160. claystone r
161. argillutyte ճr
162. kaoline argillutyte ߎXճr
163. mud-making claystone {r
164. soft mudstone ܛr
165. clayey brindle claystone |(zh)߼yr
166. ostracode claystone xr
167. sandy shale ɰ|(zh)퓎r
168. sand shale ɰ퓎r
169. gravel-bearing sandy claystone ɰ|(zh)r([)
170. calciferous sandy claystone ɰ|(zh)r([)
171. ostracode sandy claystone }ɰ|(zh)r
172. arenaceous shale ɰ|(zh)퓎r
173. silty claystone ɰ|(zh)r
174. silt-bearing claystone ɰr
175. gerollton
176. conglomeratic claystone [r
177. gravel-bearing claystone rк[ʯ
178. gravel-bearing silty claystone [ɰ|(zh)r
179. calcareous claystone }|(zh)r
180. limy soft claystone |(zh)ܛr
181. carbargilite ̼|(zh)r
182. inferior carbargilite̼|(zh)r
183.battie ̼|(zh)퓎r
184. dolomitic claystone |(zh)r
185. gypseous calystone ʯ|(zh)r
186. gypsum calystone r
187. halopelite }|(zh)r
188. chalk-bearing claystone ׈|(zh)r
189. sesame-caky claystone ֥鲢r
190. glauberite claystone }âr
191. bitum claystone r|(zh)r
192. siliceous claystone |(zh)r
193. siliceous shale |(zh)퓎r
194. limy shale |(zh)퓎r
195. calcareous shale }|(zh)퓎r
196. clayey gypsolyte r
197. gypsiferous claystone r
198. tuffaceous claystone |(zh)r
199. tuffaceous vitreous claystone Ҳ|(zh)r
200. bauxitic claystone X|(zh)r
201. bauxitic shale X|(zh)퓎r
202. basaltic claystone |(zh)r
203. interlaminated sand shale ɰr
204. oolite bearing claystone br
205. limestone ʯ?gu)r
206. oily limestone ?gu)r
207. calclithite м?gu)r
208. aphanitic limestone [|(zh)?gu)r
209. oil-cut limestone ͽ?gu)r
210. lime ?gu)r
211. argillaceous limestone |(zh)?gu)r
212. granophyric limestone ߻?gu)r
213. silicious limestone |(zh)?gu)r
214. lamprophyric limestone Ͱ߻?gu)r
215. tubulous limestone block ܠ?gu)rK
216. dolomitic limestone |(zh)?gu)r
217. wormhole limestone x׻?gu)r
218. dolomitic cavern limestone |(zh)׶?gu)r
219. oil-patch dolomitic limestone Ͱ߰|(zh)?gu)r
220. sandy dolomitic limestone ɰ|(zh)?gu)r
221. dolomitic arenaceous limestone |(zh)ɰ?gu)r
222. bioclast bearing dolomitic limestone м|(zh)?gu)r
223. argilliferous dolomitic limestone |(zh)?gu)r
224. dolomite bearing limestone ʯ?gu)r
225. dolomite Ǝr
226. oil-cut dolomite ͽƎr
227. argilliferous silicious dolomite|(zh)Ǝr
228. sandy silicious dolomiteɰ|(zh)Ǝr
229. gravel-bearing argillaceous dolomitic[|(zh)Ǝr
230. spiral shell bearing dolomitic ݻʯƎr
231. limy dolomite |(zh)Ǝr
232. dolomitic leopard limestone |(zh)Ƥ?gu)r
233. bioclast bearing limy dolomite м|(zh)Ǝr
234. lime bearing dolomitic ҰƎr
235. argilliferous limestone ?gu)r
236. marl ?gu)r
237. limestone gravel and spiral shell bearing malm?gu)r[ʯ?gu)r
238. nodule malm Y(ji)?gu)r
239. spiral shell bearing malm x?gu)r
240. bitumen malm r|(zh)?gu)r
241. silty malm ɰ|(zh)?gu)r
242. argilliferous dolomite Ǝr
243. argillaceous dolomite |(zh)Ǝr
244. shaly limestome퓠?gu)r
245. biolithite ?gu)r
246. oil-cut biolithite ͽ?gu)r
247. biologic sandy limestone ɰ|(zh)?gu)r
248. bioclastic bearing limestoneм?gu)r
249. sand bearing calclithite ɰм?gu)r
250. argilliferous biolithite |(zh)?gu)r
251. sand bearing biolithite ɰ?gu)r
252. arenaceous biolithite ɰ|(zh)?gu)r
253. shelly limestone 隤?gu)r
254. spiral shell bearing limestone ݻ?gu)r
255. spiral-shell limestone ݻ?gu)r
256. ostracode limestone x?gu)r
257. breccioid limestone ǵ[?gu)r
258. brecciola limestone ǵ[ʯ?gu)r
259. laminated limestone Ӡ?gu)r
260. cavern limestone ܶ?gu)r
261. vuggy limestone ׶?gu)r
262. cavernous limestone נ?gu)r
263.wormkalk ~?gu)r
264. edgewise dolomite ~Ǝr
265. pinhole limestone ᘿנ?gu)r
266. pinhole dolomite ᘿנƎr
267. leopard limestone Ƥ?gu)r
268. chert zebra limestone ʯl?gu)r
269. chert zebra dolomite ʯlƎr
270. chert nodule limestone ʯY(ji)˻?gu)r
271. chert nodule dolomite ʯY(ji)˰Ǝr
272. chert nodule siliceous dolomite ʯY(ji)˹|(zh)Ǝr
273. siliceous limestone |(zh)?gu)r
274. siliceous dolomite |(zh)Ǝr
275. oolitic limestone b?gu)r
276. arenaceous oolitic limestone ɰ|(zh)b?gu)r
277. ooid-bearing limestone b?gu)r
278. oolitic arenaceous limestone bɰ|(zh)?gu)r
279. oolitic debris limestone bм?gu)r
280. oolitic dolomite bƎr
281. pseudo-oolitic limestone b?gu)r
282. dolomite breccia ǵ[Ǝr
283. sandy limestone ɰ|(zh)?gu)r
284. bioclast sandy limestone мɰ|(zh)?gu)r
285. arenaceous dolomiteɰ|(zh)Ǝr
286. gypseous limestone ʯ|(zh)?gu)r
287. gypseous dolomite ʯ|(zh)Ǝr
288. anhydrite bearing dolomitie Ӳʯ|(zh)Ǝr
289. argillaceous zebra limestone |(zh)l?gu)r
290. argillaceous zebra dolomite |(zh)lƎr
291. ampelitic limestone ̼|(zh)?gu)r
292. crystalline limestone Y(ji)?gu)r
293. limmer r|(zh)?gu)r
294. knollenkalk ?gu)r
295. chalk bearing limestone ׈׻?gu)r
296. algal limestone ?gu)r
297. algal dolomite Ǝr
298. silicalite |(zh)r
299. phosphorite ׉Kr
300. bauxitite Xr
301. gravel-bearing bauxitite [Xr
302. manganese ore layer iV
303. pyrite layer SFV
304. pyrite crystal class SFV
305. iron-bed FV
306. siderite layer FV
307. hematite layer FV
308. coal bed/interbeb úӼA
309. coal streak ú
310. brown coal ú
311. charcoal ľ̼
312. coal debris ú̼м
313. boron bed
314. barite ؾʯ
315. gypsum layerʯ
316. gypsum ʯ
317. halite r}
318. sylvite ⛎r
319. magniferous halite Vr}
320. gypsiferous halite r}
321. gypsous salt bed }
322. glauberite }âr
323. mamanite suʯ
324. chert bed ʯ
325. chalk soil ׈
326. chalkstone ׈׌ӡ׈
327. limestone weathering crust chalk soil ?gu)rL׈
328. basal surface chalk soil L׈
329. arenaceous chalk ɰ|(zh)׈
330. bentonite
331. fault clay
332. fault rubble ӽǵ[
333. chert breccia ʯǵ[r
334. ostracode bed x
335. ostracode biolith xr
336. tuff ?gu)r
337. acidic irruptive rock r
338. ganite r
339. neutral irruptive rock r
340. basis irruptive rock r
341. diorite WLr
342. syenite Lr
343. gabbro xLr
344. norite KLr
345. plagioclasite бLr
346. pyroxenite xʯr
347. amphibolite Wr
348. peridotite ϙr
349. ophite ߼yr
350. dioritic porphyry WLr
351. lamprophyre Ͱߎr
352. minette ƻ͎r
353. pegmatite r
354. volcanic rock ɽr
355. felsite r
356. igneous rock Ɏr
357. volcanoclastic rock ɽмr
358. volcaniclastic sandstone ɎrLɵɰr
359. acidic effusive rock ԇl(f)r
360. neutral effusive rock ԇl(f)r
361. basis effusive rock ԇl(f)r
362. rhyolite yr
363. rhyolite porphyry yߎr
364..dacite Ӣr
365. dacite porphyry Ӣߎr
366. trachite r
367. andesite ɽr
368. basalt r
369. stomatic basalt rף
370. compacted basalt r
371. basalt and claystone composite rockrcrͺώr
372. basaltic debris r[r
373. dolerite xGr
374. effusive gravel l(f)r[
375. decayed andesite Lɽr
376. metamorphite ׃|(zh)r
377. slate r
378. phyllite ǧör
379. schist Ƭr
380. quartzite ʯӢr
381. marble r
382. granite gneissƬr
383. gneiss Ƭr
384. chlorite slate Gʯr
