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1. cry wolf 喊“狼來(lái)了”;發(fā)假警報(bào)
  If you cry wolf too often, people will stop believing that you need help.
  2. freak flag 獨(dú)特之處,另類(lèi)的一面
  My high school literature teacher taught me to always be true to myself and to wear my freak flag proudly.
  3. get out of hand 失控
  The party got out of hand and the guests started to throw bottles at each other.
  4. get your head around it 明白,搞清楚
  I just can’t get my head around the fact that Joe is leaving us.
  5. dig in your heels / stick to your guns 堅(jiān)持立場(chǎng)
  My parents wanted me to give up writing, but I dug in my heels / stuck to my guns and went on to become a famous writer.
  6. pound the pavement 徘徊于街頭找工作
  I’d been pounding the pavement for months before I found a job in a fast food restaurant.
  7. pull a rabbit out of a hat 使出奇招
  I thought we were going bankrupt, but my partner pulled a rabbit out of his hat and we landed a major contract.
  8. leave no stone unturned 想方設(shè)法,千方百計(jì)
  I’ll leave no stone unturned until I find out who did this.
  9. get it out of your system 不吐不快,不做不爽
  I wasn’t sure how she was going to react, but I had to get it out of my system, so I told her I had found another woman.
  10. step up your game 有更好的表現(xiàn)
  If you want to win this competition, you’ll have to step up your game.
  11. you rock 你真棒
  Thanks for the tickets, Rob. You rock!
  12. cut sb some slack 給(某人)方便;對(duì)(某人)網(wǎng)開(kāi)一面
  - Andrew's late again.
  - 安德魯又遲到了。
  - Cut him some slack - his wife's just had a baby."
  - 對(duì)他就網(wǎng)開(kāi)一面吧——他妻子剛生小孩。”
  13. come out swinging 開(kāi)始相互攻擊
  After a day off, Hillary and Trump this morning again launched another hard week of campaigning, and they both came out swinging.
  14. go up in flames 毀于一旦,受到重創(chuàng)
  His career went up in flames when he was jailed for theft.
  15. pull yourself together 恢復(fù)鎮(zhèn)定;控制自己
  I understand you’ve had a bad day, but pull yourself together and get on with your job, will you?
  16. crunch time 關(guān)鍵時(shí)刻
  I’m not getting enough sleep these days. It’s crunch time at work.
  17. once in a blue moon 少有地
  My sister lives in Alaska, so I only see her once in a blue moon.
  18. tar sb with the same brush 認(rèn)為……是一丘之貉
  Because they worked so closely in the same department, John was tarred with the same brush as Tim.
  19. hang in there 堅(jiān)持住;挺住
  Work can get tough in the middle of a term but hang on in there and it'll be OK.
  20. shoot from the hip 魯莽行動(dòng)(或講話)
  Miss Lee, I have to apologize for shooting from the hip and yelling at you for losing the papers. I was in a big hurry and forgot I left them right here in my drawer.
  21. be a catch 值得追求的人,宜婚對(duì)象
  John is taking me out tonight. He’s such a catch, I hope he’ll propose.
  22. running on fumes 非常疲憊,就快熬不住了
  I’m sorry, but I’ve got to go home now. I haven’t slept for twenty hours and I’m running on fumes.
  23. sell (sb) out 背叛;出賣(mài)
  French farmers feel they've been sold out by their government in the negotiations.
  24. sell sb (on sth) 說(shuō)服某人(做某事)
  OK, you’ve sold me. I’ll go with you.
  25. blow sb away 使(某人)大為驚訝;令(某人)非常高興
  The ending will blow you away.
  26. blow smoke 蒙人,騙人,放煙霧彈
  I’m not blowing smoke. I have honestly read War and Peace by Tolstoy.
  27. couldn't care less (表示強(qiáng)調(diào))一點(diǎn)也不在乎
  - That man stole a bottle of wine from the shop.
  - 那人從商店偷了一瓶葡萄酒。
  - Oh, really? I couldn’t care less.
  - 是嗎?管我P事。
  28. chuffed to bits 高興,興奮
  Hey, thanks for the present! I’m chuffed to bits.
  29. feel under the weather 生病;覺(jué)得不舒服
  I'm feeling a bit under the weather - I think I've caught a cold.
  30. tickled pink 高興極了
  I was tickled pink to be invited.
  31. by the skin of your teeth 僥幸成功,勉強(qiáng)做成
  I hadn’t studied much, but passed the test by the skin of my teeth.
  32. comfort food (難過(guò)或焦慮時(shí)食用的)安慰食品,開(kāi)心食品
  Fat and sugar – the twin pillars of the best comfort food.
  33. skeleton staff (企業(yè)或機(jī)構(gòu)運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)需要的)最基本的工作人員
  The hospital has a skeleton staff at weekends.
  34. baker's dozen 十三
  We had a baker's dozen of eggs for fourteen of us at the time. How could we even them out?
  35. let the chips fall where they may 隨它去,不去管結(jié)果了
  Kathy decided to risk her money on the investment, and let the chips fall where they may.
  36. no-brainer 不費(fèi)腦筋之事;容易處理的問(wèn)題
  That last test question was a complete no-brainer.
  37. a stone's throw 很短的距離,擲石之遙
  The cottage is just a stone's throw from the sea.
  38. hear (sth) on/through the grapevine 從傳聞中聽(tīng)說(shuō);通過(guò)道聽(tīng)途說(shuō)獲悉;聽(tīng)小道消息知道
  I heard on the grapevine that he was leaving - is it true?
  39. sit on the fence 騎墻觀望,猶豫不決
  You can't sit on the fence any longer - you have decide whose side you're on.
  40. take sth with a pinch of salt 對(duì)……半信半疑,對(duì)……有所懷疑
  You have to take everything she says with a pinch of salt, she does tend to exaggerate.
  41. freak (sb) out 氣瘋了,樂(lè)呆了,嚇壞了
  He freaked out when he heard he'd got the job.
  42. piece of cake 非常容易的事情
  The exam was a piece of cake.
  43. hit the nail on the head 說(shuō)中要害,說(shuō)到點(diǎn)子上
  I think Mick hit the nail on the head when he said that what's lacking from this company is a feeling of confidence.
  44. cost an arm and a leg 花了一大筆錢(qián)
  These shoes cost me an arm and a leg.
  45. hit the books 學(xué)習(xí);做功課
  I can't go out tonight. I've got to hit the books.
  46. bite off more than you can chew 承擔(dān)力所不及的事;不自量力
  Clinton conceded, "We bit off more than we could chew in our original health care reform proposals."
  47. when pigs fly 永無(wú)可能;決不可能
  - Aren’t you going to buy that house?
  - 你不打算買(mǎi)那套房了嗎?
  - I will when pigs fly. It’s just so expensive, I don’t think it’ll happen.
  - 除非豬會(huì)飛吧。太貴了,我是肯定買(mǎi)不起了。
  48. judge a book by its cover 以貌取人
  - I don’t like our new neighbours very much, they’re quite strange.
  - 我不喜歡咱們的新鄰居,他們看起來(lái)怪怪的。
  - You shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. I think they’re just a bit quirky but really nice!
  - 不要以貌取人哦。我覺(jué)得他們雖然看起來(lái)有點(diǎn)怪,但性格很好。
  49. miss the boat (因行動(dòng)慢而)錯(cuò)過(guò)機(jī)會(huì),坐失良機(jī)
  There were tickets available last week, but he missed the boat by waiting till today to try to buy some.
  50. go the extra mile 付出比別人期望中還要大的努力
  He's a nice guy, always ready to go the extra mile for his friends.
  51. shape up or ship out 行就行,不行滾(不改進(jìn)就解雇你)
  This is the last time I’m telling you to arrive on time. Shape up or ship out.


